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Training & Coaching


A Business & People Centered Approach

​My training and coaching approach is centered around the needs of your company and your people. For you this means that we can discuss the target training areas and the outcomes you want to achieve.


I can use material that is relevant within your Company, and so address weaknesses and opportunities that will make a difference. And no extra training luggage where it is not needed!


Through coaching I can address individual needs. And if there is a query I can not resolve on the spot, you can be assured that I will follow up on it!




"Great training"


"This will make my job quicker and easier"


"The course was easy to follow, I was comfortable to ask questions and the teacher was very patient"


"This will help speed up manipulating of data & displaying useful results. Well presented"

Basics of Data Management



Poor Data Management is costing you money! It results in time wasted, extra costs and poorly informed decision making (click here for more detail). And if your customer data is affected, it gets worse. Research shows that duplicate data affects 88% of businesses in the UK hitting their bottom line by an average of 12%, according to


You don't have to be a Data Engineer to avoid some of the common traps of poor Data Management and become more efficient. Your employees will learn about the ordinary mistakes like:

  • Duplication

  • Inconsistencies

  • Information overload

  • Lacking of revision control

and how to avoid them.


They will learn about the "single source of truth" mantra - a common industry term referring to having only one place to store critical data.


This module involves a fairly short introduction into the principles of Data Management followed by an open discussion forum about the state of affairs in your workplace and how it could be improved.

Microsoft Excel



Excel is one of the critical desktop programs in most businesses, and also one of the most misused. Close to 90% of all spreadsheets contain errors,  which could severly affect your business! Futhermore, lack of skills and limited knowledge about even basic functionality often means that precious time is wasted in poorly designed spreadsheets. This affects productivity of your back-office staff and is forever lost time that could have been more productively spent somewhere else.


I taget instructions to your business needs and on your premises. I can train the basic and the more advanced. I promote dialogue in interactive sessions, and encourage input from those who might have their own tips or experiences. And those whose aptitude is outstanding become your "go to" persons for your other staff.


I do not use hand-outs but rather coach your people on how to solve their own questions & problems. This will make them more efficient and confident, and makes me superfluous!

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